Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 6: Transitions

Today was fun. I was feeling like orange juice, so I made a quart of juice that was just oranges and clementines. It was sooo good. ^_^

I also drank the rest of that salsa drink that I had made yesterday. It was really better today. The flavours had melded.

I was running around in Johnson City, so I grabbed a drink from Earthfare. It was a fresh apple, spinach, and kale juice, I think.

Finally (and now to get to the point of the sub-title), I will be teaching raw food classes in Raleigh this weekend and I'll need to be able to taste the recipes to teach them. In addition, a third friend who has been cleansing with us will be headed back home soon. So I am putting my juice feast on a slight hold til next week. We're going to transition into a "regular" diet, meaning a healthy diet that one eats on a regular basis. We want to give our friend a solid perspective on what he can eat while he is at home.

I don't know how much I'll post til after the weekend, but I'll be posting here again regularly as soon as our little "hiatus" is complete.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 5: Cravings and craving killers

I spent New Year's Eve and New Year's day at a friend's house, and I took a gallon of juice with me. Nevertheless, I started to get some major cravings. They were cravings for all kinds of grains, particularly tortilla chips and salsa. But I really wanted to keep on with the juice feast, so I just waited it out. It was painful at times. I guess I was in one of those "vegan zombie" modes. I was also thinking about raw vegan dishes, so it wasn't all grain-based foods, but since I'm just juicing, it was still hard.

When I got back, I made up a juice using salsa ingredients to try to satisfy my chips and salsa craving. It was good, but I wasn't quite sated.

But this morning (Monday) I woke up and drank some leftover juice, and I watched Paul Nison's video My Raw Food Breakfast. All of a sudden, I'm not craving that stuff anymore! For me, that video was a craving killer. Of course, now I'm thinking about raw vegan breakfast cereal with berries and bananas now. But I'll get to have that in time.

I'm not yet sure what I'm gonna do for the rest of the day. We've got a bunch of juices leftover that I suppose I'll be working on. I really want to get some dandelion greens and some grapes for juices (though not for the same drinks). You know what? I think I'll do straight orange juice. That would taste really good to me right now. Then I can move into my green juices.

If you enjoyed this post, "like" it or share it! What kind of juice are you drinking today? Post it in the comments section!