Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 0: Andrew

Hi people!

So today is the last day before the cleanse officially begins! We've been prepping this week and we're super excited.

It was a sloppy day for driving up to Loafer's Glory as there were long stretches of rain. Then when I was getting up into the mountains, a dense fog hit and I had to be extra careful. But I made it up here all right and got settled in. We ate very cleanly today, not eating a lot of heavy nuts and whatnot, and finished out the day with a smoothie after we watched "Howl's Moving Castle" (such a good movie!).

Our smoothie had lemon, lime, ginger, orange, pineapple, strawberries, cranberries, dinosaur kale, two bananas, a touch of honey, and a whole lot of spinach. It was amazing. The berries really made it delicious. It was sweet and tart. Tomorrow I'm really looking forward to Tera Warner's Banana Blueberry Brew. It's a recipe that you get when you sign up for her free three day detox. It's got parsley and kale in it. I'm sooo excited. :DDD

Anyway, I'm gonna get to bed because I can't wait for what tomorrow's gonna bring. Comment below and let me know what kind of a smoothie or juice you had today (or what kind you're planning for tomorrow!). If you enjoyed this post, "like" it or share it! Talk to you later!


  1. Sounds so exciting and I look forward to following your feast..Toni

  2. Good on you!
    Tip: get smart about what low-fat foods give you the most calories otherwise you will feel very flat!
    Check out Durianriders tips. He's been raw for 10 years and shares his mistakes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjECH1ubjpc

    Also, google CRON-O-Meter and get help to calculate your calories.

    A great drink that's high in calories is a banana datorade! Bananas (about 2 or 3) and dates (about 4) blended up.

    I wish you well in your adventures!

  3. RAWSOME man, inspires me! are you doing algae? I know how sustaining that is for me on a J.FEAST. I champion you :-)

  4. Thanks everybody!

    Dahvid: Yep! I've got some elixir of the lake and we're gonna be integrating that soon. Also I've got a bag of chlorella on the way!

  5. Way to go! Woohoo! I look forward to journeying with you!
